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Reasons Why You Should Feed Your Dog All-Natural Treats

A lot of times, feeding our dogs is a lot of work. You have to find the right dog food that would meet all their nutrients, and feeding them natural and organic food is even more difficult. We may end up choosing the more convenient way of buying ready food. While these can provide the nutrients needed by your pooch, there are still various benefits to adding an all-natural aspect to their diet.

This is why we recommend that you feed your dog all-natural. Below are only some of the many reasons why you should do so.

  1. No Allergens

While some dogs may be allergic to certain ingredients, this isn’t always the case. You can avoid any allergies by feeding natural foods as these don’t contain any allergens whatsoever. All you’re feeding your dog is turkey, beef or lamb, which are natural ingredients that don’t pose any threats and are already safe on their own.

  1. No Chemical Additives

Natural dog food doesn’t include harmful chemicals, preservatives, colouring and flavour enhancers. Many processed food, on the other hand, contains these. This is why it is important to incorporate natural ingredients in your dog’s diet, even in the form of treats.

  1. No Hormones

When food is processed, it often contains hormones, which are not suitable for your dog in any way. If you’re going to buy from a supermarket, you’ll likely be buying food that contains hormones. You can avoid this by feeding your natural dog treats.

  1. Non-Fattening

Dogs eating all-natural food have a high chance of staying lean, while dogs who eat processed food have a high probability of becoming obese. The dog’s body isn’t the same as humans. It’s best to feed your dog all-natural food so that it can stay fit and healthy.

  1. Better Dental Health

Although your dog’s teeth will be cleaned by the treats you feed them, you should remember that they’re designed to eat food that is hard and crunchy. In the process, they’ll clean their teeth of food debris, plaque and tartar. On the other hand, feeding processed food can make your dog lazy when it comes to brushing their teeth.

  1. Better Digestion

By feeding your dog all-natural food, you’ll be able to avoid several digestive problems that are common to dogs. You’ll be giving them food that would improve their digestive system, which typically has difficulty breaking down the food they eat.

  1. Better Eating Habits

You’ll be able to eliminate the eating habits your dog gets on processed food. This is because the meat used in these products are already chewed up, meaning that your dog isn’t required to prepare the food. This will also prevent them from becoming lazy when it comes to eating.

  1. Healthier Skin

Natural dog food won’t include skin-irritating chemicals commonly found in processed food. When you’re feeding your natural dog treat, you won’t be worrying about the painful skin breakouts and rashes that could be caused by the food they’re eating.


While processed food options are numerous, you really shouldn’t be buying from a supermarket. You should be preparing your food instead so you can give your dog a healthier and more natural diet. By choosing this option, you’ll be able to avoid many of the problems associated with processed food.

Get nutritious dog food for your pooch at Feedwell. We offer high-quality, healthy dog food, making sure to meet all your dog’s required nutrients. Shop with us for a healthy pup today!

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